You can talk about things you’re interested in with your girlfriends. And, avoid the kind of topics men find fascinating, such as the workings of an engine or how .30 caliber rounds will reach terminal velocities of 300 feet per second.
You laugh at each others’ jokes. Some men, more specifically husbands, don’t understand real humor. Tell a husband a joke and he’ll squint his eyes to slits, scrunch his face as if he suddenly came down with intestinal gas and utter, “I don’t get it.” Girlfriends laugh with you and don’t even care if they don’t get it. They think you’re funny anyway and they love the way you added your sultry Mae West impression to your story. Really good girlfriends not only laugh with you but slap their knee and say, “You are soooo funny.” Those are the girlfriends whose birthdays you remember.